Orders are processed within 48 hours from the moment your payment is captured. You have up to 24 hours from the moment you place your order to request an order cancellation. Once this 24 hour period has expired, you will have to wait until you have your order in hand before requesting for a refund through our standard Returns & Exchanges process.
Here are general estimates of shipping times. Please note that delays may occur as a result to disruptions caused by the global pandemic:
United States: 5-10 days
Europe and United Kingdom: 5-12 days
Australia: 7-12 days
Canada: 7-12 days
Asia: 7-12 days
As a part of every order, you will receive an order confirmation email with the details of your purchase and a notification email including your tracking number once the order has been shipped.
Orders are processed within 48 hours from the moment your payment is captured. You have up to 24 hours from the moment you place your order to request an order cancellation. Once this 24 hour period has expired, you will have to wait until you have your order in hand before requesting for a refund through our standard Returns & Exchanges process.
Here are general estimates of shipping times. Please note that delays may occur as a result to disruptions caused by the global pandemic:
United States: 5-10 days
Europe and United Kingdom: 5-12 days
Australia: 7-12 days
Canada: 7-12 days
Asia: 7-12 days
As a part of every order, you will receive an order confirmation email with the details of your purchase and a notification email including your tracking number once the order has been shipped.